We now move on to explore your young adult years. Young adult years cover the period from when you finished school to when you got married OR up to your early to mid 20’s. You are now out in the big wide world; these were your carefree years of doing what you wanted. This might be the stage of your life that you don't want your children and grandchildren to know about! Particularly what you got up to with your friends, and even the old boyfriends or girlfriends; consider how much you want to share. But I am sure your kids would love to read about the music you listened to and the movies you watched. You might even want to talk about fashions of this era. Maybe you have a funny story to share about getting your driver's licence. You may have been studying, you may have been in your first job, you may have travelled. If you married young, this period would be very short. Not all questions on the worksheet will be relevant to you.

What did you do after you left school?

Where did you work? First time employment is another significant stage of your life. For many a first job is a practically acquired job- anywhere that would teach you skills and give you a wage. For others it may have been a long held dream come true. Many of us followed in the footsteps of a parent or older sibling when choosing a vocation. Workplaces have changed significantly over the years- manual to automated, typewriters to computers. Be sure to thoroughly describe your first workplace including your working conditions. It is also interesting to recall how much you got paid. Our focus here is on your first job(s). We will talk more about your career path in Adult Memories.

You are now earning money and with that money comes certain freedoms. What did you like to do in your leisure time? Think about what older teens/young adults do today and compare and contrast your young adult leisure life. This is often an experimental time and perhaps a time when you dared to do things that have remained secret. Care to share?

These years can be a strain on your relationship with your parents, and even your siblings. You are growing up, wanting some independence. What was it like for you? Were your parents supportive of your decisions? How was your relationship with your siblings changing as you were all getting older?

At some point during this stage you may have moved out of home. When was that, what was it like leaving home, leaving your childhood family? It may have been the ‘great escape’, maybe you were expected to leave home once you were earning.

Another significant aspect of this period is romantic relationships. It is up to you as to whether you include your first love or failed relationships (there could be some fun or awkward stories to tell). Introduce your future spouse into your story if you met during this period. If it was later (or earlier) then tweak accordingly. If this relationship ended badly you may not wish to include this.

So, head back to those years of your life when you first experienced freedom. Enjoy a few laughs as you remember some of the 'cool' things you did.

It’s now time to start working on your next worksheet. Click below to download your worksheet and answer the questions. Remember- key words, dot points or short sentences first as we gather the information you will need to write your story.


Module 1
Birth and Background

Module 2
Childhood Memories

Module 3
Childhood Memories- School Years

Module 4
Young Adult Memories

Module 5
Adult Memories- Marriage Adult Memories- Children

Module 6
Adult Memories

Module 7
Other Preface Final Words

Module 8
Writing Your Story Publishing Your Story What’s Next

What was your first job?

1. What company/organisation did you work for?
2. Where did you work?
3. Describe one way in which your workplace differed from todays modern workplace.

Email me your response to these questions.


In the next Module we will be looking at your Spouse and Children.

This will include:
- Where you lived after you got married

Please contact me if you have any questions about anything covered in this week's Module. Don't forget to send me the tasks covered in 'Keep in Touch'.