Congratulations, you have completed the course. You now have all the tools you need to write your story.

In Week 1 I asked you these questions:

1. Who is your story about?
2. Why are you writing your story?
3. Who is your audience?
4. How would you like your story to look at the end?
5. When would you like to have your story finished by?

I want you to now revisit these questions. Write down the questions and your answers and place them in the front of your worksheet folder. Look at this each time you write. This will give you direction.

Motivation and time will be your enemy. Your desired finish date in question 5 will help you stay on task. You need to set aside time to write; your story won't write itself. Here are some tips on making time to write:

- it is best to write it the morning when you feel fresh
- write in 2 hour blocks
- make an appointment with yourself- schedule writing time into your diary as you would with any other appointment
- aim to make a weekly appointment 

Need more motivation?
- Be accountable: check in monthly with me to let me know how you are progressing
- Join a Life Stories writing group: contact me for more details.

Should you choose me to create a keepsake A4 Album or Printed Book of your Life Story, I look forward to working with you on this process.

Thank you for allowing me to teach you how to write your life story. I have enjoyed your company over this course. All the very best with your writing.



Module 1
Course Introduction Birth and Background

Module 2
Childhood Memories

Module 3
Childhood Memories- School Years

Module 4
Young Adult Memories

Module 5
Adult Memories- Marriage
Adult Memories- Children

Module 6
Adult Memories

Module 7
Other Preface Final Words

Module 8
Writing Your Story Publishing Your Story What’s Next

In Week 1 I committed to helping you complete your story. You are welcome to contact me if you have a question. We can also set up a face to face or online meeting if you get stuck, need advice or want to go over your story to date. This will be charged at @$30 p/h.



Would you like to publish your story for family and friends to read?

The next lesson will show you how.

Please contact me if you have any questions about anything covered in this week's Modules.